When we talk about autonomous workers, basically, what we have in mind are 2 comparable but, at the same time, distinct modalities or options. The first and more common of these is the autonomous laborer carrying out a professional activity ("Freelance worker"). Examples of this type are freelance language teachers, translators, interpreters, journalists etc. The second type is the autonomous laborer carrying out an entrepreneurial or firm activity ("Entrepreneur"). Academy, bar and shop owners would all be examples of this type, assuming they do not carry out their activities straight through a dinky firm or some other form of firm structure. This brings us really to another very important distinction: that of the unlikeness between an autonomous laborer carrying out a firm activity and a dinky company. The basic and most basal legal unlikeness between these two is that the liability of the autonomous laborer is unlimited- i.e. His/her personal possessions may be taken and auctioned as collateral or reimbursement of outstanding debts. This is not the case with a dinky firm where, as the name suggests, our liability is dinky to the number of money we have invested in that firm in the form of capital. For this reason, it is very often more advisable to produce a dinky firm in these circumstances, in order to avoid possible hereafter house, bank list or car embargoes with the corresponding embarrassment that this supposes.
What I said. It isn't the actual final outcome that the actual about Employment. You look at this article for information on what you need to know is Employment.
Steps 1. In the case of professional activities, the first thing to do is to assure yourself that you are in ownership of the significant qualifications required to rehearsal the chosen activity in Spain. Many professions (freelance language teaching being one of them) have still not been subject to regulation in this respect and, therefore, need no exact professional qualifications.
2. Pick the most accepted activity code to register under in the tax department.
3. Register in the tax office using the 037 application form. The form essentially outlines your ongoing tax obligations so it is important to fill it out correctly.
4. Register as an autonomous laborer in your public security office. As an autonomous laborer you are obliged to fulfil your public security obligations yourself. These number to roughly 250 per month although if you Pick the recently introduced unemployment benefit option it will be a bit more (between 13 and 30). It is important to note that this quota must be paid before the last day of the corresponding month otherwise a surcharge of 20% will be applied to the amount.
5. If you are going to control out of firm premises, those premises must possess the significant municipal licence conceded by the City Council. Very often, the premises will already be licensed under a exact activity and this licence will be ceded to you by the owner or last tenant. If this is not the case, you will have to apply for the significant license depending on the activity you are planning to carry out. The license will only be approved if the premises comply with the municipal requirements for the given activity. In the case of a pub, for example, these requirements contain such things as bathroom facilities, minimum entrance width, minimum bar distance etc.
6. If you wish to use a commercial or brand name, it is also significant to check out whether or not that name or one similar has already registered by some other man or entity. If not, you can go ahead and use it, although it is really advisable to have it registered under your name in order to reassure yourself that no one else may make use of it at some later date.
7. It goes without saying that the non-Eu autonomous worker, must be in ownership of the required abode and work permit in order to carry out any labour activity here in Spain. It is important to note that non-Eu nationals resident in Spain with work permits subject to an employment compact are not permitted to produce themselves as autonomous workers until they have the corresponding "autonomous" work permit.
8. If the autonomous laborer wishes to employ man else, the general legal, public security and contractual requirements must be fulfilled.
9. Ongoing Obligations-the autonomous laborer has ongoing accounting and tax obligations which must be carried out periodically (generally every 3 months). The exact nature of these obligations will depend on the accounting and tax theory under which he/she has registered. Commonly speaking however, these obligations contain maintaining sales, buy and capital goods registers as well as to gift three-monthly personal income tax and Vat declarations.
I hope you obtain new knowledge about Employment. Where you'll be able to put to used in your everyday life. And just remember, your reaction is passed. Read more.. Guide for Self-Employed Workers in Spain.
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