Employment - Blended studying and the L&D expert
Good evening. Today, I learned all about Employment - Blended studying and the L&D expert. Which is very helpful in my experience and also you. Blended studying and the L&D expertBlended learning has emerged as a response to many imperatives. Here are a few examples where blended learning on a fairly modest scale has helped associates deliver on their learning objectives:
A enterprise needs to deliver its new enterprise mission to all 7,500 staff based at 10 sites over Europe within the next week so they hold a web conference to avoid employing a fleet of free lance trainers and paying their on-costs
Managers have less time to spend in the 'classroom' but still need to cover the same administration improvement programme. To cut down the face-to-face element of the programme, pre policy preparation, mid policy recapitulate and post policy supervene up is delivered by an online training tool to which individuals add their comments by identifying their learning to date.
You have a sales force on the road for the majority of its time but the sales reps need to be trained as new products continually come on stream. Delivering a 30 microscopic webinar is a more effective use of time and promotes increased sales, than recalling them each week to head office for goods updates
Your organisation believes in self fulfillment and promoting private improvement opportunities but cannot afford for citizen to be off work taking courses unconnected with the business. You pay for the tools but ask the person to study in their own time by a distance learning recipe using tailor made self-study material.
The drivers of blended learning
The above examples, cite organisational imperatives which dictate the learning recipe chosen. But are the needs of the manager the deciding factors when a option needs to be made in the middle of customary and blended methods of providing learning interventions? In other words, who drives the option of the blend? Is it the employer, the trainer, the learner, the Board...
For the L& D professional, it can be inspiring to steer your way in the middle of what can be, at times, conflicting needs. How the blend is put together so that it forms a structured and coherent path to learning is not all the time in your hands as the other influences hold sway.
Learning objectives
At least this is within your jurisdiction! Defining and writing learning objectives is part and parcel of the learning and improvement professional's bread and butter, or should be, and this process will remain the same whether you supervene it up with 'traditional' or other methods of training intervention.
The objectives will come out of training needs assessments, enterprise imperatives, managers' requests and so on, just as usual. It is what you do next that makes the difference.
This is where you can begin to be more creative now you have the opportunities of blended learning at your fingertips!
For example, you need to wise up employees of some new legislation which will work on their work, and make sure they take the implications on board. With only customary classroom methods on offer this was a challenge as delivering on legal or policy issues where the material is dry, technical but nevertheless important does not gift the most motivating, participative opportunities for a training group (do you remember trying to make condition and safety and pre-retirement courses exciting?). Now, with blended learning, a myriad of possibilities open up through which you can meet this need in a more inspiring and suitable way.
Top tip
Start small; do not think in terms of changing your whole training culture. One well run and well evaluated blended learning programme will sell others!
I hope you get new knowledge about Employment. Where you may offer utilization in your evryday life. And most importantly, your reaction is passed about Employment.
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