Employment - Thousands Die Annually in Car Accidents Caused by Unsafe Trucks
Hi friends. Yesterday, I found out about Employment - Thousands Die Annually in Car Accidents Caused by Unsafe Trucks. Which may be very helpful in my experience and also you. Thousands Die Annually in Car Accidents Caused by Unsafe TrucksIn 2002, a woman and her family were returning from a holiday shopping trip on a Texas state highway when an oncoming 18-wheel truck carrying a trailer load of sand crossed the road's center line and collided with her Suv. The woman, her 14-year-old son, 70-year-old mother, and 17-year-old daughter, pregnant with twins, were all killed in this horrible truck accident. Her daughter's 14-month-old son was the only survivor. The driver of the truck, an illegal immigrant, had used a fake social protection estimate to get a market driving license, and had a history of arrests and truck protection violations. After the crash, the truck driver admitted to his employers, that he had entered the U.S. Illegally, had exaggerated his truck-driving experience, and had a fake social protection number. Despite all this, the trucking business allowed him to drive for another18 months.
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In 2007, the father of two daughters was killed in Detroit when his car was struck by a fully loaded, 75-ton gravel truck whose driver had lost control. In this terrible car accident, the truck driver, who had been suffering from a seizure disorder, was taking the considerable epilepsy drug Tegretol, a medication known to cause drowsiness and delayed reaction time. The truck driver later admitted that he had received no formal training from his employer, and that he had failed to discover the truck's tires and brakes.
In 2008, a bus carrying 55 Vietnamese-American Catholics to a religious festival blew a tire and crashed, killing 17 people. The blown tire had been retreaded, in violation of federal protection standards. In looking into this tragic bus accident, it was discovered that the bus business had been awaiting approval for a federal license. Its incorporation papers would later show that it had the same owner and address as other business that had been compelled to take its vehicles off the road after numerous protection violations. The case underscored a disturbing trend: fellowships found in violation of protection standards often just change their names and continue operating. A 2009 Gao record found that more than 1,000 trucking fellowships had followed this procedure.
Truck Accidents Kill 4,000 and Injure 80,000 Annually
The fact is most of the 30 million Americans traveling the nation's roads and highways are unaware of a most troubling statistic: They're sharing the road with over 200,000 unsafe trucks.
According to a up-to-date record released by the American connection for Justice, there were more than 28,000 trucking companies, representing more than 200,000 trucks operating on U.S. Roads with protection violations. This represents a huge potential for truck accidents. Among the most egregious were defective brakes, bad tires, loads that dangerously exceeded weight limits, and drivers with minuscule or no training or drug and alcohol dependencies. Some trucking fellowships even had wages systems that encourage truck drivers to exceed speed limits and maximum driving hours.
These alarming statistics highlight an increasingly hazardous problem for motorists and truckers alike: While trucks make up less than four percent of all passenger vehicles on U.S. Roads, they are complex in 12% of all motor vehicle fatalities. According to the Federal Motor Carrier protection Administration, more than 4,000 people are killed annually in collisions with trucks and other 80,000 are seriously injured. The likelihood of motorists sustaining a personal injury or being killed in a collision with an unsafe truck are disturbingly high. In 2007, 143,000 large trucks were complex in non-fatal crashes. Regrettably, many of these truck accidents could be prevented if trucking fellowships would simply comply with protection standards instead of cutting corners to boost profits.
More Than One in Five Trucks Failed Announced protection Inspections
In June 2009, the market vehicle protection Alliance conducted wide roadside inspections over the U.S. The trucking commerce was given four months strengthen consideration of these inspections, so fellowships had ample warning to fix potential problems. Still, 22.2% of trucks failed inspection and were taken out of service. States with the highest rate of federal protection violations were West Virginia, North Dakota, Nebraska, Vermont and Iowa.
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