Employment - Why You Should Never Be Employed?
Good morning. Today, I discovered Employment - Why You Should Never Be Employed?. Which could be very helpful for me and you. Why You Should Never Be Employed?I recently met a retired housewife. At 34 she is happily retired. Having had children, she decided that she was never going to work again in her life.
What I said. It shouldn't be the actual final outcome that the real about Employment. You check out this article for information on that wish to know is Employment.Employment
She said to me - "Wow - Prior to this, I was never unemployed for a long time and surprisingly, I will never get back to employment ever again."
I asked her why? She said that she was self employed and loving it. She will never go back to work ever again.
I have since reflected on this conversation. It is funny that when population perfect their studies, a vast majority of them assume that it is time to find a job. They result the masses to find work. But like a sheep if you rule to result others, do you think it is a good idea?
Consider the following:
Income for population who result Others
Getting a job and getting paid may sound like a phenomenal idea at present. However, it should be treated like wage for population who all the time result others rather than take a creative path.
So why is getting a job so dumb? It is so because you get paid only when you work and for the hours you put in. Why shouldn't you get paid for when you are sleeping? If you have put in the endeavor in work, why can't you get paid whenever person uses your work? Elvis Presley for example has left us sometime ago. However, royalties for his work are still advent in. Why should you not then do something where you also get paid whilst you are asleep?
No one is born with qualities to run their own business. However, there are a lot of books and material that teach you how to do this. If you have undertaken studies to get to where you are, why don't you undertake further studies and run your own business to get paid even whilst you sleep? There are lots of businesses which enable you to do so.
Restricted Skills
A job provides you skills and taste restricted to the job. Whilst you can pick up life experiences, it is leading that your other skills are picked up through your own efforts. Why learn restricted skills which enable you to achieve in a role only? There are lots of business running skills to pick up and many good books which teach you systems and processes to learn such skills. Why should one go to work to learn such skills is an leading question?
Whilst at work, you are under close management. There is lack of free time to display creativity. You are committed to following systems and processes. Some such systems are long winded processes for doing something which can be generated creatively. However, you are restricted in doing so because your performance is under close administration scrutiny.
Is this what you have studied for? Did you want to gain a degree, find paid work and be managed for the rest of your lives?
Diversified wage Streams
Having a job prevents you from earning money through diversified wage streams. A job pays you once in a week, a fortnight or a month. If you have unusual expenses, you have the next pay packet to look to and are fully restricted.
A small business can any way enable you to have multiple wage streams. Many small businesses have several wage streams. As long as you are able to add value through a product of service, you can design further and unrestricted wage streams. So why not start a small business?
Working from an Office
Some population have the view that it is prestigious to work from an office. They love therefore to go to an office and be seen to be doing what others do.
When you design your own business, you could any way work from anywhere. I know of several virtual businesses which do not have an office and yet have several staff working for them. With the Internet, you could now live and work anywhere.
Unlimited Vacation
At paid employment, you are restricted to 2 weeks paid leave and payment for social holidays. Even when you are sick, some organisations will pay you and others will not. This is unfair in my view.
When you work for yourself, you have unlimited vacation and take time off for as long as you want. If you have advanced multiple wage streams wisely, you will continue to be paid.
Flexible Work Schedule
One of the main reasons for not having a job is flexibility. In paid employment, your flexibility is restricted. However, when you work for yourself, your time is flexible. Should you therefore go for flexibility or for paid work where there is small flexibility?
Selecting work that is exciting
At paid work, you do not have an opportunity to take work that is exciting and achieve these functions only. However, when you work for yourself, you can do what is exciting to you.
Surround Yourself with population you care about
When you work for someone, 60% of your life is governed by work. That means that you do not have the opportunity to rule who you work with. Sometimes the population you work with a nasty and paddle their own canoe. There are other times when unfair and biased complaints are lodged against you. Furthermore, there are times when your employer makes your life so difficult that you have no choice but to tolerate unfair behaviour.
When you work for yourself however, you do not face these situations. You can pick who you surround yourself with. You can pick your own social circle.
I can continue but I think that I have made my point. I do not have all the answers but I do know one thing from experience. Working for yourself is far great than working for person who makes your life miserable.
I hope you obtain new knowledge about Employment. Where you may offer utilization in your daily life. And just remember, your reaction is passed about Employment.
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